Page 15 - CSA Celebrity Speakers | CSA Speaker Bulletin January 2016
P. 15


No Clear Path to
Success in 2016

                                Dr Dambisa Moyo is a global                 slowing economy and some emerging
                                economist, commentator on the               markets could start to look cheap for
                                macroeconomy and bestselling                investors; but that with deterioration
                                author. Having achieved a PhD in            in growth currently across the world,
                                economics from Oxford University            including developed and emerging
                                and a Master’s degree from                  economies, there is no clear path to
                                Harvard University, Dambisa has             suggest that this year will suddenly
                                gone on to be a board member                turn round and produce outstanding
                                of a number of corporate giants.            results around the world.
                                Three of these companies have
                                successfully come through huge              One might hope that, just for once,
                                business stories during 2015.               her insights and expertise are not as
                                Barclays saw the ousting of their           accurate as they have proved to be in
                                CEO Antony Jenkins, Barrick                 previous years. n
                                Gold witnessed the collapse in
                                commodity prices and SAB Miller                         “MUch of
                                endured a blockbuster £71bn                            Dambisa’s
                                takeover.                                       effectiveness
                                                                                is gained from
                               Much of Dambisa’s effectiveness                       seeing ‘the
                                            is gained from seeing ‘the big          big picture’
                                            picture’ of global capitalism,            of global
                                joining the dots between cause and                  capitalism.”
                                effect of one action on a totally
                                different part of society, for example
                                how a collapse in the price of iron
                                ore results in mine closures and
                                unemployment. The other side to this
                                is Dambisa’s eye for opportunities
                                that are created in the wake of such

                               For 2016 Dr Moyo thinks that China
                               may give a stimulus to boost its

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