Page 7 - CSA Celebrity Speakers | CSA Speaker Bulletin January 2016
P. 7


pawn? Do we want to take the lead or     never been so high. Such globalisation    the best tool to address the root
leave that role to others?               is a fact. And the truth is it does       causes of many challenges we face,
                                         not come with a reverse gear. Yet,        such as terrorism, climate change
If we are defensive,                     Europe can and must pull the brakes       and social dumping. Trade is about
Europe will remain weak                  when necessary to regularise the          setting a constant dialogue with
                                         international trade order, reap the       foreign countries and people. Trade is
There is urgency. By 2050, Europe        opportunities and mitigate the risks.     about unleashing potential for rapid
will represent only 7% of the world’s                                              development in the least developed
population, down from 20% in 1950.       If we turn offensive,                     countries. For instance, EU is the
By 2050, Europe will represent only      Europe will be stronger                   major donor in the world. For years, it
15% of the world’s GDP, down from                                                  has granted preferential tariffs to 88
40% in 1900. By 2050, Europe might       EU’s trade policy has reached new         partners under the schemes such
neither be the largest economy nor       records. If on-going negotiations were    as GSP, GSP+ and EBA, in exchange
the largest trading block in the world.  to come to conclusion, 2/3                for the respect of good governance
By 2050, it might simply be too late     of our trade volumes and half of the      and compliance with international
to shape state of the art international  world map would be covered by an          standards. The EU has also shown
rules. Either we take decisions now      agreement – while todayless than 1/4      its readiness to use trade sanctions
while we are in command or we wait       is covered. Yet, the EU faces many        against non-compliant countries.
for 2050 until we are relegated to the   hurdles in these negotiations. While      Trade is equally about helping EU
passenger seat.                          the US have recently concluded TPP        consumers fight against frauds, EU
                                         with 12 countries in the Asia Pacific     companies against unfair competition,
If we do nothing, we accept a            region and many more knocking at the      EU workers against social dumping,
mercantilist, lawless and ruthless       door, the EU makes no progress on its     EU citizens against insecurity.
world, in which there are neither        negotiations with ASEAN, Mercosur         International trade creates a safety-
labour nor environmental protections,    and the US.                               net both at home and abroad.
neither commitment to free and
open Internet nor common counter-        We need to act now. Before it is too      In today’s interconnected world,
terrorism efforts. If we do nothing,     late, leaders must have the courage       physical barriers are being
we accept that foreign companies         to break free from the small-small        increasingly dismantled, distances are
can come to Europe to compete with       mindset, in which they are trapped:       shrinking and value chains are
EU companies, whereas ours face          small integration yields small            globalising. While the world has
enormous obstacles to provide their      outcomes. If we don’t speak with          changed, rules need to catch up!
goods and services abroad. If we do      one voice both in Europe and with         While the world knows no borders,
nothing, we accept that those same       our partners, the next-generation         rules must be borderless! Looking
foreign companies can play in our        standards will be set by others,          ahead, Europe needs to
backyard without having to comply        whether we like it or not. Only           deliver. It is in our interest that the
with the same rules, such as our data    together can countries get bigger than    global system is consistent with
protection standards and carbon          they really are. Only together can        European values and European
emission permits. If we do nothing,      countries replace the global battlefield  interests.
Europe remains subject to Chinese        by a level playing field. Only together
dumping, prone to Daesch terror          can countries make sure competition       There can be no international
and dependent on Russian gas. If         by the rules prevails over competition    agreements without appropriate
we do nothing, we put ourselves at       for the rules. Only global solutions can  protections. But most importantly,
disadvantage visà-vis the rest of the    address widespread challenges.            no protection without appropriate
world.                                                                             agreements. Trade is not and has
                                         To this end, trade policy is the key      never been about trade. While
At global level, the movement of         instrument in EU external action.         the world is more unsecure than
goods, services, persons and data has    Trade is not an end in itself but         ever, Europe cannot be left out of its
                                                                                   governance. n

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